Monday, 11 July 2011

Day 6, July 11

Today was a very informative day in learning about Kurzweil. I had the opportunity to watch the Webinars on Kurzweil and have to say that I was very impressed. I had heard of this program before but had never seen it in action.

Wow!! There's so much that can be done with that program. I can see so many benefits for students with learning difficulties such as visual impairments, attention and comprehension difficulties. As I watched the proram being used, there were so many students who came to mind that could have benifited from using it. Having taught in an ESL setting i can see a hugh benifit from the translation feature. When I first moved back to NL 8 years ago I worked extensively with two dyslexic students and oh the benefits that Kurzweil could have been for those two young men. The text to speech capabilities are awesome! I currently have a visually impaired student in my school in grade 2 and can really see the benefits for him.

Below is a you-tube video of a success story of a student with cerebal palsy who used Kurzweil!!

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