Today’s class consisted of a lot of information. I thoroughly enjoyed the slideshow and felt emotional at times, seeing how students with disabilities are able to participate in the regular school setting using various assistive technologies. Very powerful!
We went through the Syllabus and looked at daily class activities. I felt overwhelmed but realize that we have 3 weeks to complete activities and it doesn’t have to be completed in one day. J
Barbara’s activity on the “step by step process” in explaining how we read, really made me think about all the complex steps that we use daily in reading and take for granted. It also made me reflect on the many expectations that we place on our students especially those who have learning difficulties. For example, filtering out noise and distractions, starting at the left hand top of the page, decoding and processing the information are all aspects of reading that we do daily and take for granted.
The YouTube video on neurons made me reflect on my migraine headaches and how my memory is affected during a migraine. I sometimes can barely remember the basics such as my name and address. This helps me relate to students/people with memory difficulties. Attached is a YouTube video that I found on migraines explaining the neuron activity in the brain.
Below is a list of my iPhone use for today. When I purchased my iPhone 2 months ago I questioned its usefulness to me….I no longer am questioning its usefulness!!
v Alarm clock
v Texts to daughter back in NL, friend in BC, sister in ON and friend on Acadia Campus
v Phone call to mom in NL
v Loaded iTunes
v Checked weather
v Checked email
v Checked Facebook account
v Added 2 contacts to contact list
v Connected to Acadia wireless
v Read VOCM news
v Read CBC news
v Received and read several text messages
v Used notes to make reminder notes to myself
v Used calculator
v Took a photo
v Used calendar
v Did a google search
Angela - great posting...thanks for sharing. WOW you are a major iphone user:) love it